Donatello Series 2 New Features

Donatello Series 2 new features | Medical Supply Company

Virtual intelligence introduced to tissue processors

Diapath have released software updates for their Donatello Series 2. These upgrades include a very important new feature and safety improvements such as….

  • Introduction of a new amazing feature EVA (Emergency eVoluted Algorithm) into the Donatello S2
  • EVA is a virtual intelligence able to manage and solve potential emergency situation during the tissue processing finalized to preserve the tissue quality and predictive and prognostic markers
  • EVA is also able to communicate by voice with the customers
  • In the history of tissue processors, it is the first time that a virtual intelligence is introduced into the machine and it’s the first time that a tissue processor is able to communicate with the customers. Donatello S2 once again acquired a new important feature and represent certainly the evolution of automatic tissue processor

For more information on the Donatello Series 2 click here