Streamline your lab’s respiratory QC with Microbiologics 

Streamline your lab's respiratory QC with Microbiologics | Medical Supply Company

Winter is a very busy time of year in the laboratory due to significant increases in respiratory infections. Ensure your laboratory stays ahead of the respiratory surge this cold and flu season thanks to test-ready IVD-labelled quality controls from Microbiologics. Microbiologics makes QC testing your diagnostic instruments and assays as easy as possible by supplying accurate, independent third-party controls for a variety of respiratory pathogens to help you meet laboratory standards and ensure consistent and reliable results.

Microbiologists supply a wide range of quality controls that suit everyone’s needs, including assayed or unassayed, single target, and multi-analyte controls in a pellet or swab format. You can find more information on some of Microbiologics’ most popular respiratory controls below:

Item CodeQC Respiratory Panel
8246Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 Control Panel (Inactivated Swab)
8199Cepheid Xpert® Respiratory Control Panel
8190Enterovirus (EV) Control Panel (Inactivated Swab)
8219Group A Streptococcus (GAS) Control Panel
8247Respiratory Control Panel (22 Targets)
8206Rifampicin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Positive Control Panel (Inactivated Pellet)
8238Rifampicin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Negative Control (Inactivated Pellet)

Benefits of using Microbiologics quality controls

  • IVD controls and panels provide assurance in your results.
  • Multiple platform compatibility.
  • Third-party controls deliver an unbiased and independent assessment of assay performance.
  • Convenient test-ready formats that save you time and money.
  • Lyophilization allows for easy storage (no freezing required) and ensures stability.

Contact a product specialist below to find the right QC for your respiratory assays or to discuss how your lab can streamline QC and boost confidence in your diagnostic results.

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