Sebia CAPILLARYS 3 DBS is the next generation of instruments dedicated solely to newborn hemoglobin screening, offering a seamless workflow and excellent analytical features. Hemoglobinopathies are the most commonly inherited disease worldwide. Around 7 % of the worldwide population are carriers and 2.7% of births are affected by hemoglobinopathies.
Capillary electrophoresis is a recognised technology for the screening of hemoglobin disorders and provides high-quality results.
The CAPILLARYS 3 DBS instrument is an automated, multitasking capillary electrophoresis instrument using 12 capillaries for multiple simultaneous hands-free electrophoretic separations at high throughput.
The CAPILLARYS 3 DBS enables the analysis of samples from microplate wells and provides fully automated electrophoresis separation, from the dried blood spots on filter paper (Guthrie card) through to the final electrophoretic pattern: sample identification, sample dilution, sample incubation, capillary washing, sample injection into the capillaries, migration, detection, processing of the results, and transfer over the computer interface.
This instrument is an interesting alternative to commonly used techniques such as IEF and HPLC for all the laboratories involved in newborn hemoglobin screening, bringing seamless sample traceability, high-quality results, and high throughput while offering reduced hands-on time.

Benefits of the CAPILLARYS 3 DBS
✔ Ease of use, speed and reduced hands-on time high-quality results
✔ Automated, multi-tasking, can use up to 12 capillaries simultaneously
✔ Sample traceability
✔ Clear detection of Hemoglobin variants (S,C,D,E..) as well as Thalassemia (Hb Bart’s)
✔ Early detection of hemoglobin disorders allow appropriate treatment and follow up
Get in touch with our product specialist below for more information on the CAPILLARYS 3 DBS instrument or if you would like information on additional Sebia products.